My Name is Eliot Marzano and I am from Upstate New York. I am astrologer specializing in Hellenistic Astrology with a blend of Modern techniques. I am also a drummer, I love to cook, and practice Kundalini Yoga. Mostly I am curious about people. I have always strived to understand the unique minds, moods, and methods from which people operate. However, I wouldn’t find the language of an astrologer until after I was in college.
Since I was a child I was surrounded by a family and culture that exposed me to both the Traditional or Western approach to wellness and healing, as well as the “alternative”, the taboo, and the Eastern traditions that become less centered in Western culture. Myself and many like me see the beauty and importance of integration and that is the approach I take to my Astrology
I hope to help people integrate their whole being and align the highest self with the best self; to bring awareness to blind spots; to align with purpose— if you’re the type, maybe we take hold of your fate and looking into the future.
It is good to go with the flow, but if there are multiple currents then its nice to have guidance.